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Saturday, August 20th

Fellowship North

Behind The Scenes

When a flexible, but thorough time line was created of the launch of The Yellow Door Ministry, a fundraiser dinner was not a waypoint on the map. But as throughout history God's people would say and experience, "But God." The Yellow Door Ministry is joining in to proclaim this same declaration. The literal open doors happening in Knoxville is far greater than what was to be dreamed as The Yellow Door was still on paper. We are humbled, honored, and truly in awe at the work of our God, in the face to face reality of the devastation divorce creates, and even greater the beauty that is discovered through the promises of our Lord. A-DOOR-ment was placed in the hearts of the team at The Yellow Door and we are so grateful for you to join in and with is on this special evening. 

What to Expect

Trying to figure out what this night is going to look like? Let us give you a sneak peek! You can dress your Sunday best, gather your date, best friend, small group, family, neighborhood (okay, you get the point), and arrive on time to adequately receive the experience of what it is like to walk through The Yellow Doors. You will then be able to eat a very tasty dinner and yummy dessert, all while fellowshipping with others and enjoying the company of those around you. You will then be able to hear from some women live on stage of their story and journey, and hear how you can tangibly get involved. Lastly, you will be able to experience a celebration, almost like Heaven, but pretty close. Obviously, words can only paint a picture, we invite you to join us and an experience unlike ever before. See you August 20th at 5:30 pm at Fellowship North. 

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